Magnetic Field Detector Analyser

Order Code MFDA1A

The MFDA1A is a device for the detection and analysis of permanent magnetic fields. The system comprises separate display and sensor head, connected together via a 1.5m cable. The sensor head uses an 8 x 8 array of 64 sensors to create an image representing the shape and intensity of static magnetic fields. As a magnet is approached, the shape is revealed, thus providing more information compared to a single magnetometer.


The device includes a headphone output such that the presence of magnetic fields can be determined from a variable pitch tone. This allows the operator to perform an initial search for magnetic fields without needing to refer to the display. To increase versatility and to further aid in the initial detection of magnetic fields, the handheld display unit has its own internal magnetometer located near the top front edge, allowing it to be used without the external sensor. Via a simple onscreen menu, the internal or external sensors can be individually selected or combined.

datasheet (pdf) user guide (pdf)